General information

Mirrin Business Risks (Pty) Ltd or any representative of Mirrin Business Risks (Pty) Ltd does not receive any non-cash incentives from product suppliers or indirect consideration from other persons.

Mirrin will make available specific details should this occur.

Please be aware when completing any documentation or providing any information, that all material facts are accurately and properly disclosed. You the client are entirely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all answers, statements or other information provided by you or on your behalf.

Please note that all material facts in respect of any application, proposal, order, instruction or other contractual information that is required to be completed for, or submitted to a product supplier by or on your behalf that relates to the purchase of or investment in any financial product, including any amendment thereof or variation thereto must be accurately and properly disclosed.

Any misrepresentation or non-disclosure of a material fact or the inclusion of incorrect information could result in the cancellation of the transaction by the product supplier.

All information obtained or acquired concerning each client will remain confidential unless you the client provides written consent, or unless the provider is required by Law to disclose such information.