Business and Commercial Insurance Cover
Damage to property (Contents and/or Buildings) as described by fire, lightning or thunderbolt, explosions, storms / special perils, earthquakes and malicious damage but excluding leakage, subsidence and landslip unless specifically indicated. Sub-standard construction such as thatch, slate, asbestos and wood must be notified to Mirrin or where there are structures such as carports with shade netting.
Covers loss / damage to property described including accidental damage to public supply connections, loss of rent and legal liability. Sub-standard construction such as Thatch –Slate-Asbestos-Wood must be notified to Mirrin or where there are structures such as carports with shade netting.
Loss / damage to office contents (other than stock and documents as defined, including landlord’s fixtures and fittings to the extent that the same is not otherwise insured). Theft cover is subject to the security requirements imposed at inception of the cover. Electronic equipment must be insured separately under the electronic equipment section.
Loss following interruption of or interference with the business in consequence of damage resulting from the fire / material damage section but only in respect of perils insured under this section and subject that the insurer has confirmed that the material damage claim is covered.
Covering insured’s inability to trace or establish outstanding balances resulting from accidental damage to records. Cover is normally subject to the requirement of duplicate records that must be kept by the insured.
Loss of or damage to contents (the property of the insured or for which they are responsible) of any insured building at the insured premises described in the schedule as a result of theft accompanied by forcible and violent entry into or exit from such building or any attempt thereat or as a result of theft (or any attempt thereat) following violence or threat of violence subject to the security requirements imposed at inception of the cover. Goods in the open are excluded.
Loss of/or damage to money (as defined) subject to the security requirements imposed at inception of the cover. Money after hours must be kept in a SABS approved safe or strong room. Refer to policy section for the safe requirements as this is dependent on the amount of cash required after hours.
Loss of or damage to fixed internal and external glass (including mirrors), sign writing and treatment thereon at the insured premises as stated in the schedule, the property of the insured or for which they are responsible. The sum insured must represent the new replacement value of all the glass as the cover is not based on a first loss limit. Stock items are excluded.
Covering loss of money and/or other property of the insured resulting from theft, fraud or dishonesty by an insured employee.
Loss of or damage to property of the insured or property for which they are responsible, in the course of transit. Losses from unattended vehicles are excluded. If unattended goods and items must be locked in a secure locking compartment of the vehicle. If transit is undertaken outside the policy territorial limits Mirrin must be informed immediately.
Loss of or damage to the property described in the schedule whilst anywhere in the world caused by accident or misfortune. Losses from unattended vehicles are excluded. If unattended goods and items must be locked in a secure locking compartment of the vehicle. Cover is subject to the security requirements imposed at inception of the cover if the property is kept at the risk address of the insured.
Accidental physical loss/damage to insured property not otherwise insured or for which insurance is available such as but not limited to items insurable under the transit and/or all risks section, glass section and money section. Mechanical and/or electrical breakdown are excluded.
Damages which the insured shall become legally to pay consequent upon accidental death of or bodily injury to or illness of any person or accidental loss of or physical damage to tangible property occurring during the period of insurance. Cover available in respect of General Liability, Tenants Liability, Products Liability (goods sold or supplied), and defective workmanship. Other available covers include Umbrella Liability, Professional Indemnity and Directors and Officers Liability.
Covering the insured’s legal liability to any person employed under a contract of service or apprenticeship upon death, illness of or injury.
Bodily injury caused by accidental, violent external and visible means to any partner or of any director or employee of the insured specified in the schedule based on earnings. Cover exclude any normal sickness/illness related events.
Sudden unforeseen physical loss / damage to equipment specified in the schedule occurring at the premises from any cause not excluded. Cover may also be arranged for Program Software or reinstatement of data/increased costs of working following material damage subject to the security requirements imposed at inception of the cover. Mechanical and/or electrical breakdown are excluded.
Basic cover in respect of imported or exported.
Loss of or damage to motor vehicles registered in the name of the policy holder and described in the schedule, accessories and spare parts whilst thereon. Also covers liabilities to third parties.Theft/Hi-Jacking cover is subject to the security requirements imposed at inception of the cover.All drivers must have the correct valid driver’s license cards and PDP’s alternatively the insurer might repudiate the claim in the event of an accident.Vehicles must be registered in the insured’s name. If not then Mirrin must be informed immediately in writing otherwise the insurer might repudiate a claim in view of the insurable interest proviso under the Law of Contracts.
Loss of or damage to plant / machinery due to sudden and unforeseen breakdown subject to maintenance agreement to be in place at all times.
Loss following interruption / interference with the business due to sudden and unforeseen machinery breakdown.
Cover for Motor Traders. Covers loss of or damage to motor vehicles as described Also covers Liabilities to Third Parties. External – off insured premises, Internal –on insured premises.
Cover the risk of deterioration of stock due to fluctuation in temperature
Loss of or damage to pleasure craft / boats & accessories Also covers Liabilities to Third Parties
Cover for contractors / whilst contracting / Liability cover iro contracting risks. Rectifying bad workmanship or replacing defective items are excluded from the policy. CAR policies must not be seen as a guarantee for work done. Cover expires once the contract period ends.
Riot, Strike and related cover as described within RSA / Namibia